The feud between Will Smith and Chris Rock continues, with Rob Schneider joining in with some fiery comments about the ‘Bad Boys’ actor. Schneider didn’t mince words, calling Smith a ‘liar’ and a ‘fraud’ for his actions during the Oscars slap incident. In a recent interview, Schneider expressed his disappointment in Smith’s behavior, stating that the actor has been ‘hiding’ his true identity all these years. According to Schneider, the incident revealed the darker side of Smith, showing that he’s really an ‘a–hole.’ Schneider also praised Rock for his legendary comedy status, pointing out that Smith’s actions were disrespectful to a fellow comedian who has made a significant impact on the industry. Despite feeling silenced at the time of the incident, Schneider didn’t hesitate to share his thoughts publicly now, labeling Smith as a ‘complete, utter fraud’ and pointing out the cowardice of the Academy in handling the situation. As the controversy surrounding the Oscars slap continues to unfold, it’s clear that tensions remain high between Smith and those who have criticized his actions.
Rob Schneider Exposes Will Smith as a Fraud and Liar in Oscars Slap Incident