The Unusual Method Acting Techniques of Jude Law in New Movie about Henry VIII

Jude Law shocked fans with his extreme dedication to method acting in his new film about King Henry VIII. During filming, Law decided to wear a perfume with a disturbing scent of blood and feces, which he referred to as the ‘stinky method.’ This decision was part of his effort to fully immerse himself in the role of Henry VIII in the last months of his reign. The movie, titled ‘Firebrand,’ explores the tense relationship between Henry VIII and his wife, Katherine Parr, played by Alicia Vikander. According to Law, director Karim Aïnouz created a 360-degree environment on set that allowed the actors to feel completely absorbed in the world of the film. Law emphasized the importance of authenticity in creating this immersive experience, stating that he wanted everything on set to ‘smell and feel real.’ He even went as far as wearing the pungent perfume to replicate the stench that Henry VIII was known for due to his decaying legs, adding an extra layer of realism to his performance. In addition to the unique scent strategy, the film’s production team kept the set atmosphere true to the historical period. Law revealed that they would keep the windows open to make the set very cold, forcing the actors to bundle up in furs to stay warm. Jude Law’s commitment to embodying the character of Henry VIII through method acting has garnered attention and raised eyebrows among fans and critics alike.


