The highly-anticipated debut of Junaid Khan in the Netflix film Maharaj has taken a dark turn as controversy erupts surrounding alleged anti-Hindu sentiments in the movie. Ahead of its release, social media platforms have been flooded with hashtags like ‘Ban Netflix’ and ‘Boycott Maharaj’. Some users have raised concerns about the portrayal of religious figures in the film, leading to calls for a ban. The Gujarat High Court has stepped in, issuing a restraint on the release of the film and setting the stage for a legal battle between the producers and opponents. VHP leader Sadhvi Prachi has voiced out against the film, stating that disrespect to Sanatan Dharma will not be tolerated. The situation has escalated to the point where Junaid Khan, Yash Raj Films, and Netflix are under scrutiny for potential backlash from offended viewers. The implications of this controversy reach far and wide, touching on themes of cultural sensitivity and cinematic representations of religious figures.
Controversy Surrounding Netflix Film Debut of Aamir Khan’s Son Junaid Khan Sparks Outrage