Step into the captivating realm of Giffords Circus at Chiswick House and Gardens and prepare to be transported to a world of magic and wonder. Featuring the new show Avalon, this enchanting performance revolves around the Arthurian legend, bringing to life the tale of King Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere through a series of mesmerizing acts. Director Cal McCrystal, known for his expertise in physical comedy, weaves a story of love and longing through the charming character of clown Cuthbert, portrayed with charisma by Tyler West. From daring roller skating routines to gravity-defying acrobatics, each act is a showcase of skill and artistry. The Godfathers, a group of Ukrainian acrobats, truly steal the show with their breathtaking stunts that will leave you on the edge of your seat. As the performers invite the audience to join them on stage for a lively dance, you can’t help but feel the warmth and sense of family that defines Giffords Circus. Whether you’re a fan of traditional circus acts or looking for a unique and heartwarming experience, Giffords Circus at Chiswick House and Gardens is a must-see event that will capture your imagination and leave you wanting more.
Discover the Magic of Giffords Circus at Chiswick House and Gardens