In a surprising turn of events, Hollywood actor Robin Morrissey has announced his departure from Coronation Street after just a short stint on the popular soap opera. Morrissey, known for his roles in blockbuster movies alongside big names like Tom Hanks and Halle Berry, made his debut on the show as Felix, Summer Spellman’s new boyfriend. However, things quickly took a dramatic turn as Felix overhears a derogatory message about him on Paul’s Eyegaze device, leading to his sudden exit from the show. Fans were initially excited about Morrissey’s casting, but as his character’s storyline developed, many grew concerned about his intentions towards Summer and her family. Some even speculated that Felix’s true motives may involve using Paul as a ‘case study’ for his studies at an American university. As viewers expressed their distrust and skepticism towards Felix on social media, the actor’s departure from Coronation Street has left many wondering about the future of Summer’s romantic life on the show.
Hollywood Star Quits Coronation Street After Controversial Debut