Are you ready to dive deeper into the captivating world of Oshi no Ko? The manga series takes you on a thrilling ride that goes beyond the anime adaptation. Created by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, Oshi no Ko delves into the intertwining paths of ambition and hardship within the glamorous realm of entertainment. Follow the story of Gorou Amamiya and his twin sister, Ruby Hoshino, as they navigate the challenges of the idol industry, carrying the weight of their past lives and dreams. The manga unveils the mysteries and secrets that await the characters, offering a unique twist on the world of idols and acting. Join Aqua and Ruby on their heartfelt journey of revenge, friendship, and self-discovery as they strive to carve out their own destinies amidst the glitz and glam of show business. Experience the emotional rollercoaster of Oshi no Ko and immerse yourself in a narrative that explores the enduring power of dreams and the complexities of fame.
Unveiling the Twists and Turns of Oshi no Ko Manga Series