Jaideep Ahlawat shocked fans with his remarkable weight loss journey for the Netflix movie Maharaj. Losing close to 26 kgs in a mere five months, the actor faced numerous obstacles along the way. From a year-long break due to the lockdown to intense training sessions, Ahlawat pushed himself to achieve the desired physical transformation. However, it wasn’t just about the fitness level – Jaideep also had to delve deep into the mindset of his character, Jadunath Maharaj, a ruthless nobleman from pre-Independence India. With the support of his trainer, director, and the entire crew, Ahlawat managed to embody the role convincingly, both for himself and the audience. Sharing before-and-after pictures on Instagram, Jaideep highlighted the immense effort he put into becoming Maharaj. From a bulky 109.7 Kg frame to a lean 83 Kg physique, his dedication to the role is truly commendable.
Jaideep Ahlawat’s Incredible Weight Loss Transformation: The Painful Journey to Maharaj