In a hilarious on-air blunder, both BBC and ITV presenters mistakenly announced that incoming Prime Minister Keir Starmer was off ‘to meet the Queen’ as he was being formally installed by King Charles III. Viewers watching the historic moment were quick to point out the mistake, with many taking to social media to poke fun at the mix-up. The slip-ups came after a long night of coverage, with reporters likely feeling the effects of fatigue. With Sir Keir Starmer’s arrival at Buckingham Palace, one ITV presenter exclaimed, ‘He’s being welcomed to see the Queen, to see the King, forgive me.’ Similarly, former BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg referred to his visit as a meeting with the Queen before quickly correcting herself to say the King. This mix-up added a comical twist to the momentous occasion, leaving both broadcasters red-faced.
ITV and BBC Fail to Differentiate Between Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III in Prime Minister’s Ascension Blunder