Scarlett Johansson recently shared some exciting news about the upcoming Amazon series Just Cause, based on the popular novel by John Katzenbach. The actress, who stars in and executive produces the show, revealed that work on the project is progressing well despite a brief pause during a strike. Johansson expressed her enthusiasm for the series during the New York City premiere of her latest movie, Fly Me To The Moon, assuring fans that the team is actively working on the script. Just Cause marks Johansson’s debut in television and has already generated significant buzz after securing a straight-to-series order from Amazon in 2022. The adaptation will see a gender swap for the main character, with Johansson portraying Madison ‘Madi’ Cowart, a determined reporter sent to cover a high-profile story. With the talented Cord Jefferson and John Wells co-writing and executive producing the series, Just Cause promises to be a gripping thriller that will captivate audiences. Stay tuned for more updates on Scarlett Johansson’s exciting new project!
Scarlett Johansson Teases Progress on Amazon Series Just Cause