Actress Rashida Jones recently shared a shocking and traumatic childhood memory involving Michael Jackson’s pet chimpanzee, Bubbles. Jones, whose father Quincy Jones had a close relationship with the late King of Pop, recounted the moment when the incident occurred. According to Jones, she was only nine years old when Bubbles bit her during a visit to Jackson’s home. The actress described the encounter as a nightmare, recalling how the chimpanzee took a hairband out of her hand before she decided to open his cage to retrieve it. As Bubbles began running around the room, Jones tried to intervene by slapping him lightly on the head, only to have her hand bitten by the animal. Despite the incident, Jones expressed some empathy for the chimpanzee, stating that he now lives in Florida and is retired. Learn more about this shocking story and its impact on Jones’ childhood.
Rashida Jones Reveals Shocking Encounter with Michael Jackson’s Chimpanzee Bubbles