Jonathan Frakes Breaks a Rule in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Jonathan Frakes, famously known for his role as Commander William Riker in Star Trek: The Next Generation, recently revealed that he broke a serious rule while directing another Star Trek show. Frakes, who has directed various episodes of Star Trek shows over the years, admitted that he went against the norm during one particular episode. ‘It was like we were doing Shakespeare or Chekhov,’ Frakes explained. ‘I felt like we needed to try something different, to push the boundaries of what Star Trek is capable of.’ Fans of the franchise were shocked to hear that Frakes had deviated from the established rules of Star Trek, but many praised his creativity and willingness to take risks. Despite the backlash he received from some fans, Frakes stands by his decision and believes that it ultimately made for a better episode. ‘Sometimes you have to break the rules to create something truly special,’ he said. Frakes’ bold move has sparked a debate among Trekkies about the importance of adhering to tradition versus pushing the boundaries of the beloved franchise. As fans eagerly await the premiere of the new Star Trek show, they can’t help but wonder if Frakes will once again defy expectations and break the rules in the name of creativity.


