Get ready to step inside the opulent wedding festivities of Anant Ambani, the son of India’s richest man Mukesh Ambani. The extravagant four-day ceremony in Mumbai will be a star-studded affair, with high-profile guests like reality TV star Kim Kardashian and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair gracing the event. The celebrations have been ongoing since March, featuring performances from international popstars and lavish parties. However, the ostentatious display of wealth has sparked controversy among city residents, who are facing traffic disruptions and questioning the extent of the extravagant celebrations. Despite heavy rains and waterlogging, the wedding will proceed with a traditional Hindu ceremony at the Jio World Convention Centre. Stay tuned for updates on the grand reception and potential performances by stars like Adele. This event is not to be missed!
Inside the Extravagant Wedding of Mukesh Ambani’s Son: A Celebration Fit for Royalty