The incredible story behind Hugh Jackman almost missing out on the iconic role of Wolverine in X-Men has been revealed. It turns out, Jackman was initially considered ‘too tall’ for the part, as Wolverine is traditionally portrayed as a shorter character in the comics. However, Kevin Feige, assistant to producer Lauren Shuler Donner at the time, saw something special in Jackman and pushed for him to be reconsidered. Despite doubts from Jackman himself, Feige took a chance and flew him to Toronto for another audition. In a twist of fate, Jackman’s reading with screenwriter Tom DeSanto and director Bryan Singer sealed the deal, securing him the role that would define his career. This behind-the-scenes look at Jackman’s audition process sheds light on the risks and rewards of casting decisions in Hollywood. Find out how this Australian actor’s height almost cost him the role of a lifetime, and the kindness of Feige that ensured his place in superhero movie history.
The Untold Story Behind Hugh Jackman’s Audition for Wolverine Role