Xolo Maridueña, known for portraying Miguel Diaz on the hit Netflix series Cobra Kai, reflects on his experience as the show approaches its sixth and final season. Starting his journey on the show at just 16 years old, Maridueña describes how his growth both as a person and as an actor has shaped the character of Miguel. From an underdog to a champion, and finally to a more mature and self-aware individual, Miguel’s development mirrors Maridueña’s own journey. As Maridueña looks back on his time on Cobra Kai, he highlights the importance of the show in tackling profound themes such as redemption and identity, with Miguel often at the center of these narratives. Through his portrayal of Miguel, Maridueña hopes to pave the way for greater Latino representation in Hollywood, showcasing the depth and complexity of characters that can resonate with audiences worldwide.
Xolo Maridueña Opens Up About the Impact of Cobra Kai, Reflects on His Career and Latino Representation in Hollywood