In a tragic turn of events, T-Series head Bhushan Kumar’s cousin Tishaa Kumar has passed away at the young age of 21 after a prolonged battle with an illness. The family is devastated by this loss and has requested privacy during this difficult time. Tishaa, daughter of film producer Krishan Kumar, was battling cancer and unfortunately lost her fight in a hospital in Germany. The news has shocked the industry and fans alike, as Tishaa was just starting out in life. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Kumar family as they deal with this immense loss. Krishan Kumar, known for his work as a film producer in blockbuster hits like Airlift, Tanhaji, and Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, is currently mourning the loss of his beloved daughter. Tishaa Kumar’s mother, Tanya Singh, comes from a family with ties to the entertainment industry and is also grieving the loss of her daughter. The entire T-Series family is in mourning as they remember Tishaa Kumar’s bright spirit and promising future.
Tragic Loss: T-Series Head Bhushan Kumar’s Cousin Tishaa Kumar Passes Away at 21