In a thrilling display of fandom, Hugh Jackman shared a video on his Instagram stories where fans in Hyderabad can be seen celebrating the upcoming release of Deadpool and Wolverine. The energetic clip captures the spirit of Hyderabadi fans as they dance to the beats of dhol music, adorned in red and yellow merch. The festive atmosphere is complete with confetti and giant cut-outs of Deadpool and Wolverine outside a local theatre. Despite being non-Telugu releases, fans in Hyderabad have embraced the culture of pre-release celebrations, showcasing their love for cinema transcending borders.
The anticipation for Deadpool and Wolverine among fans is palpable, especially with the recent teaser introducing Lady Deadpool. This new promo teases different versions of Deadpool, including a cowboy and doggy Deadpool, along with the exciting prospect of a blonde woman as Lady Deadpool. Enthusiasts are eager to see if Ryan Reynolds’ real-life partner, Blake Lively, will step into the role.
Under the direction of Shawn Levy, Deadpool and Wolverine is set to hit theatres on July 26, marking Ryan Reynolds’ reprisal of the iconic Deadpool character post the Disney-Fox merger. Hugh Jackman will also return as Wolverine, adding to the star-studded cast that includes Emma Corrin as Cassandra Nova and Matthew Macfadyen as Paradox. According to Shawn, the film will feature several cameos without overshadowing the main storyline, promising an exciting cinematic experience for fans worldwide.