In a bold move that pays homage to its rich history, DC Studios has decided to revive the classic Milton Glaser-designed logo that was synonymous with the brand for almost three decades. The iconic ‘DC bullet’ logo, created by graphic design legend Milton Glaser, will once again grace the pages of comics, toys, and merchandising for DC. This decision comes as DC looks to the past to pave the way for an exciting future filled with new stories and adventures. DC president and publisher Jim Lee expressed his excitement about bringing back this iconic logo, stating that it serves as a powerful reminder of DC’s legacy while ushering in a new era of creativity and innovation. The logo will not only be featured on print materials but will also make its way into the world of film and television through DC Studios, creating a cohesive brand identity across all platforms. Fans can expect to see the Glaser logo on upcoming projects, starting with the highly anticipated Superman movie set to release next year. As DC Studios continues to push boundaries and explore new horizons, the revival of this classic logo serves as a nod to the past and a symbol of what’s to come in the world of entertainment.
DC Studios Revives Classic Milton Glaser Logo for New Era of Entertainment