Kareena Kapoor Khan is not only a successful actress but also a loving and disciplined mother to her children, Taimur and Jeh. Known for her strict upbringing, Kareena follows the same disciplined approach as her mother Babita. Raised in a household where attention to studies and maintaining a timetable were essential, she ensures the same for her kids. Revealing her spiritual side, Kareena follows Christianity like her mother. She believes in playing hymns for her children and has a special connection to the Punjabi hymn Ek Onkaar. Kareena understands the importance of surrounding her kids with positive vibes, creating a nurturing environment for them to grow.Lata, the former nanny of Taimur Ali Khan, also shared insights into her experience. She praised Kareena’s love and discipline towards her kids, highlighting how celebrities like Kareena are often unfairly judged by the public. With a deep understanding of how to raise her children, Kareena navigates motherhood with grace and love.Discover the heartwarming journey of Kareena Kapoor Khan as a mother and the values she instills in her children. Follow her as she embraces motherhood with love, discipline, and a touch of spirituality.
Kareena Kapoor Khan – A Loving and Disciplined Mother