In a groundbreaking move that could revolutionize professional wrestling, AEW CEO Tony Khan recently met with Shane McMahon to discuss the future. Speculation has been running wild ever since AEW commentator Jim Ross hinted at the possibility of Shane McMahon stepping into the AEW ring.
Shane McMahon’s return to WWE in 2016 was met with great fanfare, but his stint as an authority figure on SmackDown truly showcased his talents. His partnership with Daniel Bryan brought a fresh perspective to the show, making it a must-watch for fans.
If Shane McMahon were to join AEW as an authority figure, it could provide much-needed stability to the current management structure. With Tony Khan and the EVPs juggling multiple roles, McMahon’s experience and expertise could be just what AEW needs to reach new heights.
Stay tuned for more updates on Shane McMahon’s potential debut in AEW as the wrestling world awaits this historic moment.