Vijay Deverakonda recently shared his experience of starting from ‘peanuts’ in the film industry to eventually reaching a comfortable market price. The actor opened up about how his earning drastically changed post his film ‘Kushi’ with Samantha, shedding light on the importance of focusing on honing one’s craft as an outsider. He emphasized the need to prioritize style and performances over earnings, stating that one’s work in films should speak for itself. Producer Dil Raju also intervened, mentioning their collaborative projects and how Deverakonda prioritizes the overall profitability of the team when discussing his market price. With his upcoming project ‘Family Star’ directed by Parasuram and featuring Mrunal Thakur, Deverakonda’s journey in the industry continues to evolve.
Vijay Deverakonda reveals his journey from ‘peanuts’ to a comfortable market price in the film industry