Liev Schreiber, known for his role in Ray Donovan, takes on the character of Father Flynn in the Broadway production of Doubt: A Parable. While discussing his experience on Late Night with Seth Meyers, Schreiber revealed a challenging moment on stage where a sudden migraine caused him to forget his lines, leading understudy Chris McGarry to step in and save the day. The Roundabout Theatre Company’s revival of Doubt, set in a Catholic school, follows the investigation of an alleged inappropriate relationship between Father Flynn and a student by Sister Aloysius. Despite initial hesitation due to his previous roles involving Catholic priest abuse, Schreiber found the production’s impact to be deeply moving. Find out more about Schreiber’s performance and the enduring relevance of Doubt: A Parable on Broadway.
Liev Schreiber Shares Migraine Mishap on Broadway’s Doubt: A Parable