Rajkummar Rao has stunned fans with his astonishing transformation in the new romantic song ‘Tu Mil Gaya’ from the movie Srikanth. Collaborating with renowned singers Jubin Nautiyal and Tulsi Kumar, the actor’s appearance in the music video has left everyone speechless. Portraying the character of industrialist Srikanth Bolla in this upcoming biopic, Rajkummar has undergone a remarkable physical change, leading to speculations of cosmetic enhancements. Social media is abuzz with discussions about his altered jawline and facial features, with many fans dubbing him ‘unrecognisable.’ Despite his stunning new look, his acting prowess remains unquestionable, promising an exciting performance in the film alongside Alaya F. Stay tuned for more updates on Rajkummar Rao’s latest projects, including the highly anticipated ‘Mr & Mrs Mahi.’
Rajkummar Rao’s Jaw-Dropping Transformation in Srikanth’s Romantic Song ‘Tu Mil Gaya’