Richa Chadha has been making headlines not just for her upcoming project ‘Heeramandi,’ but also for her recent wedding preparations. The talented actress managed to start shooting for ‘Heeramandi’ just 10-15 days before her big day. Known for her dedication to her craft, Chadha seamlessly balanced work commitments with getting ready for her wedding. ‘Heeramandi’ is a highly anticipated project directed by the renowned Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film also stars Manisha Koirala, Sanjeeda Sheikh, and Sharmin Segal. Fans are eager to see Chadha portray a new character, especially under the direction of Bhansali, known for his visually stunning and emotionally compelling films. Stay tuned for more updates on Richa Chadha’s journey in ‘Heeramandi’ and her wedding prep!
Richa Chadha: A Glimpse into ‘Heeramandi’ and Her Wedding Prep