Ryan Gosling recently shared the heartwarming nickname that his daughters, Esmeralda and Amada, have for him in a sweet moment that will make your heart melt. While discussing his family life with longtime partner Eva Mendes, Gosling revealed that his daughters have been learning Spanish and affectionately call him ‘Papi’ with a little accent. This adorable gesture ‘kills [him] every time’ and is a testament to the strong bond he shares with his children. Moreover, Gosling emphasized that he prioritizes his family’s well-being by choosing movie roles that won’t negatively impact his mental health or emotional state. By creating a happy and stable environment for his daughters, Gosling and Mendes have moved away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles to give their children a quieter childhood. Their unwavering commitment to their family and marriage shines through as they prioritize their daughters’ happiness above all else. Learn more about Ryan Gosling’s heartwarming daddy moment and his dedication to family life in this touching interview.
Ryan Gosling’s Heartwarming Daddy Moment Revealed: His Daughters’ Sweet Nickname Will Melt Your Heart