In a shocking moment on The View, Joy Behar directly questioned Ricky Martin about his rumored foot fetish, leading to a candid discussion about feet and celebrity obsessions. After a recent shirtless photo shared by Martin on Instagram, Behar seized the opportunity to inquire about his alleged love for feet. Martin, visibly surprised by the question, eventually revealed, “I love feet. I have a foot thing.” Sunny Hostin chimed in, confirming Behar’s observation that Martin appreciates beautiful feet. Behar even mentioned the website WikiFeet, where fans collect images of celebrity feet. Martin, who previously discussed his foot fetish in an interview with GQ, opened up about his love for foot massages and expressed his willingness to kiss feet for hours. This unexpected revelation added a quirky twist to the show and left viewers intrigued about Martin’s unusual preference. Tune in to The View on weekdays at 11 a.m. ET on ABC to catch more entertaining moments like this!
Ricky Martin Reveals Foot Fetish on The View