In a show of solidarity, politicians from Kerala have come to the defense of Malayalam superstar Mammootty who is facing online harassment due to his involvement in a movie that stirred controversy. The movie ‘Puzhu’ released in 2022 was criticized on social media platforms for allegedly being ‘anti-Brahmanical’. Some individuals even went as far as attacking Mammootty using his birth name, Muhammed Kutty, in a derogatory manner. Despite these attacks, Ministers and party leaders including V. Sivankutty, K. Rajan, and K.C. Venugopal have voiced their support for the acclaimed actor. Describing Mammootty as the ‘Pride of Kerala and Malayalees’, they condemned the online campaign and attributed it to sinister political motives. The solidarity displayed by political figures like Sivankutty and Rajan sends a clear message that Kerala stands by its beloved actor, Mammootty, against baseless attacks.
Kerala Politicians Defend Malayalam Star Mammootty Against Online Harassment