Step into the glamorous world of Bollywood fashion at the Cannes Film Festival! Over the years, Bollywood divas like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Deepika Padukone have graced the red carpet with stunning looks that turned heads and set trends. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s iconic yellow sari from 2002 redefined red carpet fashion with its traditional Indian flair, while Deepika Padukone’s 2022 black silk Dolce & Gabbana gown made a bold statement with its cascading flowers. From Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s fusion sari in 2013 to newer looks that continue to captivate, these Bollywood stars have brought a touch of Hindi cinema to the prestigious film festival. Don’t miss out on these unforgettable moments of style and elegance at Cannes!
7 Iconic Bollywood Looks at Cannes Film Festival You Need to See