Princess Charlene, Princess of Monaco, celebrated Monaco’s Mother’s Day by sharing a heartwarming photo with her twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella. Meanwhile, her husband, Albert II, Prince of Monaco, attended the Monaco Grand Prix on his own. Charlene looked elegant in a double-breasted suit jacket as she wrapped her arms around her children in the picture. She opted for a natural look, sporting a slicked-back hairstyle and minimal makeup. Prince Jacques matched his mother’s style in a navy suit and tie, while Princess Gabriella looked adorable in a white jacket. In contrast, Prince Albert was seen at the Monaco Grand Prix in cream chinos, a navy check jacket, and a baseball cap. The royal couple recently took their children to the opening of ‘Monaco World’ in Hamburg, where Monaco was featured in Miniature Wonderland. Charlene impressed with her stylish cream coat and black top at the event. Stay tuned for more updates on the glamorous life of Princess Charlene and her family in Monaco.
Princess Charlene Celebrates Monaco’s Mother’s Day with Twins as Prince Albert Attends Monaco Grand Prix Solo