Get ready for an intense cinematic experience as Love/Hate star John Connors joins forces with renowned director Jim Sheridan in a new drama centered around the tragic murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier. The film, titled Re-creation, delves into the last moments of the French film producer before her untimely death in Co. Cork back in 1996.
Luxembourg actress Vicky Krieps takes on the challenging role of Sophie, bringing her talent to the screen in what promises to be a captivating performance. Jim Sheridan, the Oscar-nominated director, is hard at work editing the script alongside co-writer David Merriman, with a scheduled cinema release later this year.
While John Connors and Vicky Krieps lead the cast, the role of Ian Bailey, the main suspect in the case, remains uncast. Jim Sheridan hinted at the possibility of revealing the actor in the near future, keeping fans eagerly anticipating the big announcement.
Jim Sheridan, known for his work on acclaimed films like In the Name of the Father, brings his expertise to this haunting true story, shedding light on the events surrounding Sophie Toscan du Plantier’s tragic end. Stay tuned for more updates on this thrilling project.