A heartbreaking incident has shaken the Disneyland community, as Club 33 manager Bonnye Lear tragically lost her life in a horrifying accident involving a golf cart. According to reports, Lear fell from a moving golf cart and struck her head in a backstage area of the Anaheim theme park. The 60-year-old employee from Fullerton was rushed to a local hospital in critical condition, but sadly succumbed to her injuries.
Disneyland Resort President Ken Potrock expressed deep sadness over the loss, extending heartfelt condolences to those who knew and worked with Lear. The focus now is on providing support to her family and fellow cast members during this difficult time.
Details of the accident reveal that Lear was seated at the rear of a golf cart with three other passengers in an area behind Critter Country. The driver was reportedly traveling at a high speed of at least 20 mph when the cart hit a bump or dip in the road. This sudden jolt caused Lear to lose her balance, leading to the tragic fall.
Rae Delgado, a Disney California Adventure cast member, shared on social media that Lear suffered severe head injuries, including a fractured skull and brain swelling. The incident has sparked an investigation by Anaheim police detectives to determine the circumstances surrounding the fatal accident.
The Disneyland community is in mourning over the loss of Bonnye Lear, a dedicated manager whose tragic passing has left a void in the hearts of many. As the investigation continues, the focus remains on honoring Lear’s memory and providing support to those affected by this devastating event.