The Annecy International Animation Film Festival is heating up with the exclusive announcement of a strategic alliance between French distributor Eurozoom and major animation producer Special Touch Studios. Led by founder and CEO Sébastien Onomo, Special Touch Studios is known for telling bold stories with an emphasis on professional diversity. Eurozoom’s CEO-Founder Amel Lacombe expressed excitement about the collaboration, revealing that they are currently working on a lineup of six animated features.
Among the titles being highlighted at Annecy is ‘Melvile,’ directed by Romain Renard and Fursy Teyssier. The film follows Paul, who believes he is responsible for the disappearance of his first love, Ruth. Two decades later, he returns to Melvile to uncover the truth about his past, leading to a surprising revelation about Ruth’s death and their connection.
This international co-production includes Special Touch Studios, Creative Touch Studios, Arte Cinema in France, Need Productions in Belgium, Paul Thiltges Distribution in Luxembourg, and Unité Centrale in Canada. ‘Melvile’ has already garnered attention for its captivating story and stunning animation.
In addition to ‘Melvile,’ Special Touch Studios and Eurozoom will be showcasing three other titles at the festival, promising a diverse range of storytelling and animation styles. The partnership between these two industry leaders is sure to result in groundbreaking animated films that will captivate audiences worldwide.
Stay tuned for more updates from the Annecy Animation Festival and follow the journey of Special Touch Studios and Eurozoom as they continue to push the boundaries of animation and storytelling.