Telugu sensation Ram Charan recently attended the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister swearing-in ceremony and stole the limelight as a fan tried to click a selfie with him. The RRR star was accompanied by his father, Mega Star Chiranjeevi, and Tamil superstar Rajinikanth at the ceremony. In a footage that is now viral, Ram can be seen gracefully pushing a fan away who was too eager to take a picture with the star. Despite the fan’s persistence, Ram managed to make his way to the event without any further disruption. The incident captured the attention of many, highlighting the popularity of the Telugu star as well as the chaos surrounding celebrity appearances at public events. Ram’s presence at the ceremony was not only to show his support to N. Chandrababu Naidu but also to Pawan Kalyan, who was sworn in as the Deputy CM of Andhra Pradesh. The actor-turned-politician’s recent victory in the elections was celebrated by Ram and Chiranjeevi, as they visited Kalyan and shared an emotional moment. Ram’s actions at the event have once again put him in the spotlight, showcasing his humility and dedication to his fellow actors turned politicians. Stay tuned for more updates on Ram Charan and his upcoming projects as he continues to make waves in the film industry and beyond.
Ram Charan Makes Headlines at Andhra CM Swearing In Ceremony as Fan Tries to Click Selfie; Watch the Video Now!