Angelina Jolie turned heads at the 77th Tony Awards as she arrived with her daughter Vivienne Jolie-Pitt. The mother-daughter duo looked stunning, with Jolie wearing a teal velvet dress and Jolie-Pitt in a stylish blue tuxedo vest and matching pants. Vivienne, who is just 15 years old, has been involved in the Tony-nominated ‘The Outsiders’ as a production assistant, showing her talent at a young age. The Jolie-Pitt family has been making headlines lately, with reports of their children wanting to distance themselves from Brad Pitt, including Shiloh filing to change her name to ‘Shiloh Jolie’. Despite the ongoing legal battles between Jolie and Pitt, they continue to focus on their children and their successes.
Angelina Jolie’s Daughter Vivienne Jolie-Pitt Shines at Tony Awards