Kevin Costner recently shared a heartwarming and humorous story about his new puppy, Bob, during an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The 69-year-old actor introduced Bob to the world earlier this year on Instagram, and ever since, fans have been obsessed with the adorable white Labrador pup. Costner revealed that he named his furry companion Bob, and joked that he calls him Bobby when he’s in a good mood. The audience couldn’t get enough of the cute pictures of Bob, including one where he was caught napping on the door of an open dishwasher while Costner was doing the dishes. Costner shared the hilarious moment when he discovered Bob sleeping in the dishwasher, admitting that he had no idea the puppy was there until he nearly ran into him. Despite the surprise, Costner couldn’t resist snapping a photo of the adorable scene. The actor affectionately referred to Bob as a “good boy” and shared that the puppy often keeps him company while he carries out household chores as a single dad. Stay tuned for more heartwarming moments between Kevin Costner and his lovable new puppy, Bob!
Kevin Costner Reveals Heartwarming Story Behind New Puppy Bob