Producer Vashu Bhagnani, known for his work in Hindi cinema, faced a major setback with the box-office disaster of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan. The film, starring Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff, failed to impress the audience and led to huge financial losses for Bhagnani’s production house, Pooja Entertainment. In a bid to repay a staggering debt of Rs 250 crores, Bhagnani took the drastic step of selling the company’s Mumbai office. As a result of the financial crisis, nearly 80% of employees were laid off and the office was shifted to a smaller location in Mumbai. This move comes after a series of failed projects including Bell Bottom and Mission Raniganj, which further worsened the company’s financial situation. Despite high expectations from the big-budget film Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, the movie’s failure left Bhagnani with no choice but to sell off assets to cover the losses. Stay tuned for more updates on the challenges faced by Bollywood producer Vashu Bhagnani.
Vashu Bhagnani Sells Pooja Entertainment’s Mumbai Office After Bade Miyan Chote Miyan Debacle