Mysterious Disappearance of French Sword ‘Excalibur’ Shocks Town of Rocamadour

In a shocking turn of events, the ancient sword known as Durandal, often referred to as the French version of King Arthur’s Excalibur, has mysteriously disappeared from its rock in Rocamadour. The town, famous for its medieval charm and historic significance, is in distress as the valuable artifact has been stolen by an unknown thief. According to local legend, Durandal was once wielded by the semi-legendary knight Roland, who fought courageously for Charlemagne in the eighth century. The sword, believed to be indestructible and incredibly sharp, was said to have magical properties that allowed it to cut through stone with ease. The disappearance of this iconic sword has left the residents of Rocamadour heartbroken, as it has been a symbol of the town’s heritage for centuries.


