In a heartbreaking turn of events, Minnesota Vikings rookie cornerback Khyree Jackson, along with former college football players Isaiah Hazel and Anthony Lytton Jr., lost their lives in a fatal car crash. The accident occurred in Prince George’s County, claiming the lives of these talented young athletes who had promising futures ahead of them. Jackson, only 24 years old, had been selected by the Vikings in the fourth round of the NFL draft, showcasing his potential as a rising star in the league. Hazel, who previously played at Maryland and Charlotte, and Lytton, who had stints at Florida State and Penn State, were also vibrant members of the football community. The tragic crash took place in the early hours of the morning, resulting in a devastating loss for their families, friends, teammates, and fans. The circumstances surrounding the accident have raised concerns, with investigators focusing on the potential role of alcohol in the collision. As the football world mourns the loss of these young talents, the impact of the accident serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the unpredictability of tragic events.
Minnesota Vikings Rookie CB and Former Players Killed in Tragic Crash