Brad Pitt and Ines de Ramon were seen enjoying a romantic day out at the British Grand Prix held at the iconic Silverstone Circuit in England. The Hollywood actor and his girlfriend looked fashionable and classy as they watched the thrilling Formula 1 race, which was ultimately won by Lewis Hamilton. Pitt sported a yellow corduroy jacket with a white T-shirt and pants, while de Ramon stunned in a pastel blue dress with elegant accessories. Coinciding with their day at the races, the first trailer for Pitt’s upcoming film ‘F1’ premiered, showcasing his role as a former Formula One driver. Set to hit theaters in 2025, the movie promises action-packed scenes and a star-studded cast including Damson Idris and Javier Bardem. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!
Brad Pitt and Girlfriend Enjoy British Grand Prix Date at Silverstone Circuit