Karan Johar, the renowned director and producer of Hindi cinema, recently shared a touching story about his mother’s experience with brutal trolling. In a revealing interview, Johar spoke about how his mother, Hiroo Johar, was deeply affected by the online harassment he faced. According to Johar, there was a moment when his mother broke down and advised him to perform a ‘havan’, a traditional Hindu ritual of worship, in order to ward off the negativity. This incident sheds light on the dark side of social media and the impact of cyberbullying on celebrities and their families. Despite the challenges, Johar has remained steadfast in denouncing violence and promoting positivity in the industry. This heart-wrenching revelation serves as a reminder of the real-life consequences of online hate and the importance of compassion and empathy in today’s digital age.
Karan Johar Opens Up About His Mother’s Struggle with Trolling: A Heartbreaking Revelation