It was a family affair in Los Angeles as Ralph Macchio, known for his role in The Karate Kid, along with his wife Phyllis Fierro and their children Julia and Daniel, attended a special screening of Cobra Kai. The 62-year-old actor looked sharp in a navy shirt and black blazer, while his wife opted for a chic white vest top. Their daughter Julia stunned in a white and black dress, and son Daniel rocked blue pants and a white shirt. This event marks the release of the first part of season 6 of Cobra Kai, a highly anticipated martial arts comedy-drama series. The new episodes promise an action-packed experience for fans, with an epic 15-episode event looming ahead. Not only did Ralph Macchio attend the event with his family, but he also opened up about reconnecting with Cobra Kai co-star William Zabka. The actors, who portrayed rivals in The Karate Kid, hadn’t seen each other for many years until a mutual friend’s funeral brought them back together. Now, with a new season of Cobra Kai on the horizon, fans are eager to see what’s in store for their favorite characters on the show.
Ralph Macchio and Family Reunite at Cobra Kai Screening in Los Angeles