Shocking Drama Unfolds as TikTok Midwife Faces Sabotage from Envious Colleagues

In a stunning turn of events, TikTok star and midwife extraordinaire, Lara Basini-Millar – known as midwifemillar – has found herself at the center of a workplace scandal. Allegations of jealousy and sabotage have rocked the North Bristol NHS Trust, where Ms. Basini-Millar previously worked. It all started when she began using TikTok to share her knowledge and empower women about pregnancy and childbirth. Her videos garnered a large following, with many praising her practical advice and uplifting messages. However, it seems that not everyone was pleased with her newfound popularity. According to Ms. Basini-Millar, a group of jealous colleagues started a clandestine WhatsApp chat to criticize her videos. They claimed her content was unprofessional, inappropriate, and damaging to the hospital’s reputation. Despite the fact that her videos did not mention the hospital or reveal any sensitive information, the group continued to target her. The situation escalated when she was asked to surrender the clothes she wore in her videos, which had no hospital branding. Feeling betrayed and targeted, Ms. Basini-Millar has taken legal action against the trust, alleging constructive unfair dismissal. The scandal has sent shockwaves through the hospital and the midwifery community, raising important questions about professional jealousy and workplace dynamics.


