In a recent episode of Saturday Night Live, Shane Gillis brought the laughs with his portrayal of Ricky Monroe, a former classmate of Forrest Gump from Greenbow High School. With a mullet and a southern accent, Gillis perfectly embodied the character as he reminisced about the good old days of throwing rocks and chasing Forrest in a truck. However, Ricky soon realizes that he underestimated Forrest, who went on to become a billionaire while he’s stuck with only two jet skis. As Ricky tries to sabotage Forrest’s heartfelt shoutouts to his loved ones, chaos ensues and the skit culminates in an unexpected turn of events. Mikey Day’s rendition of Forrest Gump added an extra layer of hilarity to the sketch, making it a must-watch moment from the show. Don’t miss out on the laughter and surprises, check out the full clip now!
Shane Gillis Goes Southern in Hilarious Forrest Gump Skit on Saturday Night Live