Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell has been left feeling extremely humiliated after a tranche of intimate messages allegedly sent by her Formula One boss husband were leaked. Despite Christian Horner being cleared of misconduct a day before the scandal broke, friends of Halliwell warn that this latest scandal will have a devastating impact on her. The former Spice Girl had stood by Horner throughout the investigation into his behavior, but the appearance of the leaked messages has shattered her sense of security and trust. Horner, the Red Bull team principal, was cleared of any wrongdoing and allowed to continue in his role with a salary of £8 million a year. Halliwell and her friends had believed they could finally move on from the scandal, but the leaked messages have reopened old wounds and left her feeling exposed and vulnerable. As Horner prepares for the upcoming Formula 1 season, Halliwell is left to grapple with the fallout of the scandal and the uncertainty of what lies ahead for her marriage.
Geri Halliwell Left ‘Extremely Humiliated’ by F1 Boss Husband’s ‘Texts Leak’ Scandal, Friends Say It Will ‘Destroy Her’