Legendary actor Robert De Niro, known for his iconic roles in films like ‘The Godfather Part II’ and ‘Taxi Driver’, recently revealed the joy of being a father again at the age of 79. Last year, De Niro and his girlfriend Tiffany Chen welcomed their seventh child, a daughter named Gia.In an exclusive interview with People, De Niro expressed his delight at having another child in his life. He described Gia as an adorable baby, bringing immense sweetness to their family. Looking at her, De Niro mentioned that everything else fades away, and he finds great joy and relief in being present with her in the moment.Family has always been important to De Niro. During his previous marriage to Diahnne Abbott from 1976 to 1988, they had two children together, Drena and Raphael. In 1995, De Niro welcomed twin sons, Aaron and Julian, with his then-girlfriend, Toukie Smith. He was also married to Grace Hightower, with whom he shares a son named Elliot and a daughter named Helen Grace.De Niro expressed how much it means to him when the entire family can be together. He mentioned that Gia brings happiness not just to him and Chen, but also to their children and grandchildren. She is cherished as their aunt, especially as the older kids are on the verge of entering their teenage years.Despite his busy schedule, De Niro continues to work passionately in the film industry. He has been nominated for a Best Actor in a Supporting Role at the upcoming Academy Awards for his portrayal of William Hale in Martin Scorsese’s highly anticipated crime drama, ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’, set to release in 2023. De Niro humbly stated that he doesn’t dwell on the idea of winning awards, but being recognized and nominated is a great honor. He even expressed his hope for his co-star Lily Gladstone to win the Best Actress award, believing she has a strong chance at victory.In the interview, De Niro mentioned his readiness to embrace whatever life brings him. Work brings him joy, and he looks forward to new opportunities and experiences. Despite his age, De Niro remains an inspiration to many in his dedication to his craft and his commitment to his growing family.Robert De Niro’s journey as a father continues to evolve, and his love for his children and grandchildren shines through. With Gia’s arrival, the De Niro-Chen family adds another chapter to their story of love, joy, and togetherness.
Robert De Niro Welcomes Seventh Child: A Joy of Fatherhood at 79