In a heart-stopping turn of events, a group of friends from an arts club in Cochin embark on a seemingly harmless trip to Kodaikanal, only to stumble upon the terrifying Guna Caves. As they delve deeper into the mysterious caverns, they awaken a force that threatens to consume them all. Follow the harrowing journey of the Manjummel Boys as they fight for survival against insurmountable odds in this Malayalam-language survival thriller. With a star-studded cast featuring Soubin Shahir, Sreenath Bhasi, and more, each twist and turn will keep you on the edge of your seat. Experience the horror, suspense, and unrelenting terror as the Manjummel Boys face their darkest fears in a battle for their lives.
Terrifying Expedition to Guna Caves: Manjummel Boys Unleash Unimaginable Horror