Mel B, also known as Melanie Brown, faced unexpected financial struggles after divorcing her allegedly abusive husband, Stephen Belafonte, in 2019. Despite her successful career as a member of the Spice Girls, Mel B found herself in a difficult financial situation that forced her to move back into her mother’s home in Leeds, U.K. Mel B opened up about the financial abuse she experienced during her marriage with Belafonte, which left her with much less money than she had anticipated. After their divorce, Mel B had to pay Belafonte a significant amount in child support and legal fees, leading her to reevaluate her spending habits. She embraced a more frugal lifestyle, shopping at budget-friendly supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl. Mel B’s journey to financial independence serves as an inspiration to others who may be facing similar challenges after leaving an abusive relationship.
Mel B’s Financial Struggles: A Look Into Her Life After Leaving Stephen Belafonte in 2019