In a heartwarming rescue mission, Yorkshire Wildlife Park has welcomed four lions from war-torn Ukraine to their new home. Mother Aysa, along with her precious cubs Emi, Santa, and Teddi, spent nine months in a holding facility in Poland after fleeing from the chaos caused by Vladimir Putin’s invaders in Ukraine. Aysa, who was previously kept in a private collection in the Donetsk region, was found alone, malnourished, and traumatized by the bombs before being rescued and taken to Kyiv for temporary shelter, where she gave birth to her cubs. The family was then relocated to Poznan Zoo until their final journey to Yorkshire.The lions arrived in the UK after a long 1,000-mile journey, finally reaching the Yorkshire Wildlife Park where they were greeted with open arms. This heartwarming story of survival and hope serves as a reminder of the resilience of these majestic creatures, and the importance of providing them with a safe and peaceful environment to thrive. The park is excited to provide Aysa and her cubs with a new beginning, filled with love, care, and endless opportunities to roam free in their new home.
Rescued Lions from Ukraine Find New Home at Yorkshire Wildlife Park